I am so bored all the time

+1 vote
asked Jan 16, 2017 in Other- Entertainment by Whocare (180 points)
I'm so bored all the time.

All I do is wake up, make some breakfast and sit around on the computer all day.

I do get up to make lunch and dinner but hardly go out of the house.

The internet is starting to get boring to me as well.

Any suggestions on how I can get out of this boredom?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2017 by Judy (56,120 points)
Try taking a break from the computer.

Step outside and go for a walk down the street. Ride a bicycle around if you have one.

Go to the public library and check out some books to read.

You could also try volunteering at soup kitchen, Animal Shelter or any other charity programs that you might have in your area.
0 votes
answered Dec 7, 2019 by Hariz5 (990 points)
Try to find some interesting games on the Internet for yourself, I used to find the Internet too boring, then I stopped sitting on social networks, found online casino Canada https://casino-review.ca , now more interested in spending time on the internet.

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