Investing tips and tricks

0 votes
asked Jun 2, 2022 in Investing by Dorime (1,170 points)
Hello. Please recommend some good Youtube channels or articles that cover investments. I want to learn it.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 2, 2022 by Archiveone (3,460 points)

Not the best time to invest, pall. If you want to keep your money safe, just don't waste it or buy gold. That's pretty much it. Here's an article for you . Take a look, you will find some answers you need there. You will find where to buy gold after readingthis article.

0 votes
answered Sep 22, 2022 by Omeres (4,630 points)

The most important investment tips are:
1) Stick to money management
2) Do not invest in something that caught your eye for the first time
3) Study in detail the area in which you are going to invest
As for me, in 2022, it is worth investing not in the stock market and the like, but in
alternative investing sports cards, for example. These cards, or rather investments in them people do for a long time, but unlike cryptocurrencies, they do not lose their value, and every time they become more expensive and more expensive.

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