Does horse riding help you lose weight?

+1 vote
asked Mar 12, 2022 in Horses by AndySteel (800 points)
Does horse riding help you lose weight?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 19, 2022 by Chambliss (46,100 points)
Riding a horse can help you lose weight when you ride a horse enough.

Riding a horse does burn calories which in turn helps you lose weight.

Even just trotting gently for 30 minutes burns around 360 calories and it helps to tone your stomach.

Essentially, it's a moderate intensity form of exercise, which can be controlled by how hard you decide to ride.

Horse riding provides the combination of a cardiovascular workout with a rewarding mental challenge, mixing balance with hand-eye coordination helping to improve reflexes, tone the body and in particular tone the core muscles and your legs.

Horse riding is not only great for muscle toning. It is also a fun way to do your cardio workout.

With all that movement of your core muscles, you're obviously going to get your pulse-rate high and lose calories.

In fact, just an hour of horseback riding is bound to burn off around 600 calories.

Riding a horse can provide a good level of cardiovascular exercise.

The BHS commissioned a study which found that just half an hour of horse related activity, such as mucking out, is classed as moderate exercise, while trotting can burn up to 600 calories per ride!

Actually, horseback riding, an exercise of moderate intensity, has a positive physical and emotional impact.

Horseback riding works important core muscles: abs, back, pelvis, and thighs.

These stabilize the torso while fortifying coordination, stability, balance, and flexibility.

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