What does Boondocking mean in camping?

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asked Mar 2, 2022 in Camping/RV by 844ajse (920 points)
What does Boondocking mean in camping?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 3, 2022 by Wendell (41,840 points)
In camping Boondocking means that you're camping without any utilities, such as water, electricity, cable TV etc.

However some people who Boondock still have Satellite TV with a portable RV Satellite Dish and use a generator or solar panels to get electricity.

Dry camping is another word for Boondocking as boondocking is any time you camp in your RV without water, sewer, or electrical connections.

This can take the form of parking your rig deep in the back country or pulling over at a highway rest stop.

Stealth Camping is when you camp somewhere without being noticed.

For example you could stealth camp in a van that shows no signs that it is a camping setup inside the van.

Someone might think you would just be sleeping overnight in the van and not actually camping or you might be parked on the side of a road in town and they may think it's just a van.

Stealth camping is camping without being noticed.

Some people will stealth camp in urban areas, while some stealth campers will also venture into wild locations.

Sometimes the camping is considered legal, while other times it's illegal.

For many, it's done thinking it's easier to get forgiveness than permission.

And stealth camping is illegal in most cities.

It has nothing to do with being stealthy, but just the fact that you're camping within city limits, or sleeping in a vehicle overnight.

Stealth camping is sleeping in your vehicle without drawing attention to yourself.

This is similar to boondocking which generally refers to sleeping overnight on BLM or free public lands.

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