Is pine safe to burn as firewood in a wood burning stove?

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asked Jan 25, 2018 in Other-Home/Garden by Muktuk (320 points)
Is pine safe to burn as firewood in a wood burning stove?

A friend told me I shouldn't burn pine in a wood burning stove after I got some for free and am letting it season.

He told me that pine will create dangerous creosote buildup and cause a chimney fire? Is pine dangerous to burn in an enclosed wood burning stove or is it safe to burn?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 29, 2018 by Mechanic21 (29,150 points)
It's a myth that burning pine in your wood stove causes chimney fires.
The chimney fires that resulted when someone burned pine wood were not caused directly by the pine they were burning in there wood stove.

The chimney fires were caused by creosote build up that happened overtime by burning other wood and the creosote was not cleaned out of the chimney which should be done at the end of each heating season.

The pine burns hotter which is what ignites the creosote and that's what caused the chimney fire.

As long as your pinewood is seasoned for at least a year you can burn pinewood as I and many others burn pinewood safely every year.

Just be sure to keep your chimney pipe and chimney clean and you won't have a problem.

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