What happens if you drink a bottle of Night Nurse?

+1 vote
asked Feb 2, 2022 in Other- Health by cardnumber1982282 (2,510 points)
What happens if you drink a bottle of Night Nurse?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 9, 2022 by August17th (1,840 points)
If you drink a bottle of Night Nurse then you will be really drowsy and also could get really sick or die of an overdose.

Never take anymore medicine than directed or the recommended dosage as you can overdose on the medicine including Night Nurse.

Night Nurse Liquid is the complete night-time remedy for colds and flu.

It relieves tickly cough, shivers, aches and pains, runny nose, sore throat pain, headache - and so aids restful sleep.

Night Nurse contains an antihistamine called Promethazine, which helps to aid sleep while decongesting and drying up runny noses for easy breathing.

Night Nurse contains three active ingredients including paracetamol, dextromethorphan and promethazine.

The paracetamol acts fast to relieve you of any aches and pains and provides relief from headaches.

Like all medicines Night Nurse can have side effects, but not everyone gets them.

Children and the elderly may be more likely to experience side effects with this medicine.

The following effects may occur: Drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, difficulty concentrating, unsteadiness, clumsiness, headache, dry mouth.

Night Nurse will start to make you feel sleepy around 20 minutes after you take it and may work for up to 12 hours.

If you're taking it for a cough or cold, allergies or feeling sick (nausea), your symptoms should start to improve within 20 minutes.

The medicine should work for around 4 to 6 hours.

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