Can a humidifier make a cough worse?

+1 vote
asked Jan 29, 2022 in Other- Health by levisara (2,210 points)
Can a humidifier make a cough worse?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 3, 2022 by DredgenFade (1,690 points)
A humidifier can make a cough worse if the humidifier is putting out moisture that is dirty or moldy from a dirty or moldy humidifier.

As long as the humidifier is clean the humidifier should not make a cough worse.

Increased humidity may ease breathing in children and adults who have asthma or allergies, especially during a respiratory infection such as a cold.

But mist from a dirty humidifier or increased growth of allergens caused by high humidity can trigger or worsen asthma and allergy symptoms.

Humidifiers are really good for you as long as you keep the humidifiers clean and free of any mold or other grime.

Just be sure to use some bleach and water to clean your humidifier every few days or even once per day if you want too.

As long as the humidifier is kept clean the humidifier is good for you and your health.

You can use tap water in a humidifier.

There's no need to use special water in a humidifier as plain tap water is just fine.

Just be sure to clean your humidifier often to keep any calcium buildup or mold out of the humidifier.

I've always used tap water in my humidifier without any issues.

You can get sick from a humidifier if the humidifier is not cleaned often enough and or mold has grown and built up in the humidifier.

Humidifiers are great at helping you breathe easier and helping to ease your symptoms from the flu or cold or being sick.

However if not kept clean the humidifiers could make your symptoms worse or make you sick.

To clean your humidifier daily you should fill the humidifier tank halfway with some bleach and water and then swish the solution around in the tank for a few minutes.

Then allow it to sit for 30 minutes and then dump the solution out.

Then fill with clean water and rinse it out a few times.

You can also add some vinegar to the tank of the humidifier and set the humidifier part back down in the tank to soak for a bit.

This will help remove some calcium buildup as well.

The benefit of a humidifier is they add moisture to the air as well as your body and prevent your bodies insides from drying out.

Humidifiers also benefit you by easing congestion, keeping your throat moist and helps you avoid coughing too much.

Humidifiers can be particularly effective for treating dryness of the skin, nose, throat, and lips.

They can also ease some of the symptoms caused by the flu or common cold.

Using a humidifier is not bad as long as you maintain them and clean them often.

Although if you use a humidifier too often it could lead to mold growth in your home and damage drywall because of the excess moisture.

However when used in moderation and when the air is dry or when you're feeling congested and sick the humidifiers are a good idea and not bad.

Humidifiers do really work as long as you maintain them and clean them often enough.

Humidifiers work great at helping you breathe and help with colds, flues, congestion etc.

Especially during the winter humidifiers can be helpful at keeping moisture in the air and prevent your mouth from drying out.

The humidifiers also help make the room feel much warmer as well.

I always use a humidifier in my home and room at night in the winter or when I'm sick and the humidifier does really help me breathe better and help me get over my cold and flu much faster.

I'm less congested and cough less with a humidifier.

You can also have a whole house humidifier added to your furnace which adds moisture to the whole house and keeps the air from drying out.

Humidifiers are beneficial for adults and children during sleep.

Sleep itself aids in repair, rejuvenation and maintenance of our immune system.

Adding a humidifier to your bedroom can bolster the effects sleeping naturally provides.

Humidifiers can ease problems caused by dry air.

But they need regular maintenance.

And cool-mist humidifiers also may help ease symptoms of a cold or other respiratory condition.

But be cautious: Although useful, humidifiers can make you sick if they aren't maintained properly or if humidity levels stay too high.

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