How many diapers do I need to pack for a road trip?

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asked Jan 15, 2022 in Toddler/Preschooler by DJfergusonia (1,490 points)
How many diapers do I need to pack for a road trip?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 18, 2022 by Paletta (1,160 points)
When taking a road trip with kids in diapers you should pack enough diapers per day to last the road trip.

If your baby or child goes through 5 to 8 diapers per day then pack at least 8 diapers for the day.

Or pack 16 diapers for the day and the next day or double up and pack a few more days worth of diapers.

For example if it's a day road trip then you should pack at least 2 days worth of diapers so that you have enough to last through the day of the road trip and the day coming back.

Or pack a weeks worth of diapers to be sure you have enough.

You can also buy extra diapers on the road trip at stores such as Walmart, Dollar General, Target etc.

You'll be able to buy diapers at your destination (and you'll want to check online before your trip to find out what stores will be nearby), but it's a good idea to pack at least 10 diapers in the suitcase.

That gives you enough to get by until you can make a trip to the store.

When on a road trip diapers can be bought at any grocery store, Walmart Stores, Dillon's etc.

In just about every state you'll pass through you should be able to locate a Walmart Store.

Walmart will have diapers.

Dollar General also has diapers and they are in most locations as well.

When traveling you should bring at least a box of diapers with you to ensure you have plenty.

I always keep a box of 120 diapers in the Van we travel in so I have plenty of diapers to change my baby with.

If we're gone on a month road trip then that box will usually last the entire trip.

However if not I can stop at Walmart and get another box of diapers and have some left when I get home.

But you're going on a few days road trip then taking a few days worth of diapers with you on the road trip should be enough.

Then you can stop at Walmart or other stores to buy some more diapers if needed.

You can also have diapers shipped to a hotel or motel where you are from or

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