What does under contract mean on Zillow?

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asked Dec 30, 2021 in Real Estate - Renting by Morristri (1,040 points)
What does under contract mean on Zillow?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 30, 2021 by Constanza (900 points)
Under Contract on Zillow means that the seller of the property or home has accepted an offer from a buyer.

However the under contract does not mean the house has actually been sold for sure but instead it means that the seller accepted the offer from the buyer and is waiting for the money and the paper work to go through.

Once the money gets to the seller and the paperwork is signed then the house or property should state sold and no longer under contract.

You can still put an offer for a home or property that is under contract but if the other buyers offer goes through then the house or property will be sold.

UNDER CONTRACT – indicates a property where an offer has been written and accepted by both parties.

Many things can go awry during the under contract period and a fair number of homes will come back on the market.

PENDING – means that all of the above have been satisfied.

Buying a home with a pending sale is difficult – but not impossible.

The buyer will need to cancel the sale first before the seller can consider your offer.

If you do have serious interest in a pending home, you can submit a backup offer for consideration in case the pending offer falls through.

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