When should a child be able to use a knife and fork?

+1 vote
asked Jan 2, 2018 in Toddler/Preschooler by cleo T (130 points)
When should a child be able to use a knife and fork?

At what age can a child eat with a knife and fork?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 4, 2018 by Judy (56,120 points)
A child should be able to start gradually using a knife and fork around age 2 to 2 and a half years old.

Usually once they're around 3 years old they should be able to fully use a knife and fork or spoon to eat on their own with.

Though never give your child a sharp knife and always cut up any food pieces that require a sharp knife yourself.

A plastic knife or butter knife would be okay though.

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