Can anxiety be cured?

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asked Dec 14, 2021 in Womans Health by Milkshake11 (2,650 points)
Can anxiety be cured?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 23, 2021 by Valenzuela (5,190 points)
There's no cure for anxiety so anxiety cannot be cured.

However treatments and medications as well as therapy can help with the anxiety.

Anxiety disorders are very treatable.

Most people who suffer from anxiety are able to reduce or eliminate symptoms after several (or fewer) months of psychotherapy, and many patients notice improvement after just a few sessions.

Anxiety is when someone has the feeling of fear, uneasiness or dread.

The anxiety can cause you to sweat, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heartbeat.

The anxiety can be a normal reaction to stress.

For example, you might feel anxious when faced with a difficult problem at work, before taking a test, or before making an important decision.

There's also social anxiety where you feel fear and anxiousness around a group of people or around anyone that you don't know.

When you feel anxious, your body goes on high alert, looking for possible danger and activating your fight or flight responses.

As a result, some common symptoms of anxiety include: nervousness, restlessness, or being tense. feelings of danger, panic, or dread.

Anxiety is a normal emotion.

It's your brain's way of reacting to stress and alerting you of potential danger ahead.

Everyone feels anxious now and then.

For example, you may worry when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or before making an important decision.

Occasional anxiety is OK.

Some ways you can help with your anxiety include.

Take a time-out.
Eat well-balanced meals.
Limit alcohol and caffeine, which can aggravate anxiety and trigger panic attacks.
Get enough sleep.
Exercise daily to help you feel good and maintain your health.
Take deep breaths.
Count to 10 slowly.
Do your best.

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