Does raw potato whiten skin?

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asked Dec 8, 2021 in Body/Skin by 1982tiperman (5,590 points)
Does raw potato whiten skin?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 8, 2021 by Lamkerprist (3,840 points)
Raw potatoes can whiten your skin.

You can whiten your skin with raw potato and to make the raw potato skin whitening mask the raw pieces of potato are blended with other acidic ingredients like yogurt and lemon juice to create a lightening face mask.

When you eat raw potatoes you improve your health and get vitamins, minerals, nutrients and much more.

The benefits of eating raw potatoes are they lower your blood pressure, regulate your blood pressure, help lower and regulate your blood sugar and also give you energy.

Raw Potatoes can also help support your heart health and may prevent heart disease, heart attacks, strokes and some cancers.

And raw potatoes boast higher levels of Vitamin C and resistant starch than cooked potatoes.

It's safe and OK to eat raw potatoes just like it's safe and OK to eat other raw vegetables.

Raw potatoes are much healthier for you than cooked potatoes are because when potatoes are raw they contain more vitamins, nutrients and minerals than cooked potatoes.

All vegetables including potatoes are best eaten raw when you want to get the health benefits.

Although raw potatoes can be harder to chew and digest than cooked potatoes for some people so they may need to be cooked.

But you certainly can cut up a raw potato or bite into a raw potato and eat the raw potato without cooking it.

It's best to wash the potato off before eating it though because it could contain pesticides if they were store bought.

But other than that raw potatoes are perfectly fine to eat.

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