How do you get chocolate out of white polyester?

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asked Nov 29, 2021 in laundry/Cleaning by didyoufart (870 points)
How do you get chocolate out of white polyester?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 2, 2021 by Wjendyfromhol (5,390 points)
To get chocolate out of polyester or chocolate stains out of polyester remove the excess chocolate from the polyester fabric.

Apply a pre-wash stain remover.

Let it sit or soak for 10 minutes before rinsing out your garment and seeing if the stain is any lighter.

If it needs another application of stain remover, do it.

Dry cleaning can remove chocolate stains.

A good dry cleaner can easily remove chocolate stains as they have some good chemicals to use to remove stains that sometimes people at home cannot easily remove.

To get chocolate stains or chocolate out of linen mix one part dish soap and two parts 3% diluted peroxide to create a stain remover that can be directly applied to the chocolate stain.

The soap will remove grease and fat while the peroxide bleaches away any undesirable color.

To get chocolate stains out of clothes fast soak the clothes in a mixture of water, laundry detergent and vinegar and you may also want to use some baking soda as well.

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used on the chocolate stain along with some vinegar or a combination of vinegar and baking soda and then soak the clothes in detergent and water for a few hours or even overnight.

You can easily remove chocolate stains from clothes or other fabric by soaking the clothes or fabric in a mixture of water and either dish washing soap, detergent, or vinegar.

The best way to remove chocolate stains from clothes or any other fabric is to soak the fabric in a mixture of water and either dish washing soap, detergent, or vinegar to loosen and lift the chocolate stains.

Use an enzyme cleaner for more stubborn smudges, and then wash and air dry until the stain has lifted.

Toothpaste and baking soda also works to remove chocolate stains from clothes or any other fabric.

Just wet the chocolate stain and apply toothpaste on it.

If it persists, sprinkle some baking soda and rub gently till the stain is gone.

Chocolate does stain clothing.

After washing an item with chocolate on it, you may notice a dark spot has embedded itself into your clothing - this is a chocolate stain.

The best way to prevent staining is to treat and wash your item as quickly as possible.

How do you get set in chocolate stains out of cotton?

Cotton is a soft fabric that's prone to chocolate stains.

To remove chocolate from cotton, rub dish soap onto the chocolate stain and rinse through with cold water, before washing it in the hottest water possible.

This will dissolve and break down the chocolate.

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