What are Salix grafted onto?

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asked Nov 19, 2021 in Gardening by 334topi (950 points)
What are Salix grafted onto?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 21, 2021 by BVigdude (980 points)
The Salix is grafted onto a form of willow or root stock.

Salix integra are a form of willow tree and the standard ones are frequently grafted onto a form of willow stock.

Salix caprea 'Pendula' trees are often sold grafted onto other types of root stock so they grow a single trunk upright, then weep like an umbrella.

Ungrafted willows creep along the surface as a ground cover.

A Salix Kilmarnock can grow up to 8 feet in height.

'Kilmarnock' willow usually grows to a maximum height of 8 feet, although in some cases it may stand as short as 4 feet.

 The Salix Kilmarnock's  total width ranges from 4 to 6 feet, with branches drooping to form the traditional willow tree umbrella shape.

Willow Trees are bad because Willow Trees are very notorious for getting and developing diseases and because the willow trees put so much energy into getting big, they put very little into their defense mechanisms.

Diseases include cytospora canker, bacterial blight, tarspot fungus, and others.

The reason it's called a pussy willow is because of it's resemblance to cats paws.

At the tail end of winter, fuzzy nubs start to appear along the branches of pussy willows.

These soft silver tufts as well as the plant itself are named for their resemblance to tiny cats' paws, and they feel so much like fur that young children often wonder if they are animals instead of plants.

A pussy willow is the smaller species of the genus Salix (willows and sallows) when their furry catkins are young in early spring.

Pussy willow is a name given to many of the smaller species of the genus Salix when their furry catkins are young in early spring.

These species include: Goat willow or goat sallow, a small tree native to northern Europe and northwest Asia.

Grey willow or grey sallow, a small tree native to northern Europe.

Willows, also called sallows and osiers, from the genus Salix, are around 400 species of deciduous trees and shrubs, found primarily on moist soils in cold and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere

Salix 'Golden Curls' (Willow) is a large shrub or small tree of great ornamental value.

Although the trunk and older branches are upright, forming an oval rounded crown, the younger branches weep gracefully downward, curling and twisting.

Salix alba 'Caerulea' (cricket-bat willow; syn.

Salix alba var. caerulea (Sm.) Sm.; Salix caerulea Sm.) is grown as a specialist timber crop in Britain, mainly for the production of cricket bats, and for other uses where a tough, lightweight wood that does not splinter easily is required.

Most varieties of willows grow best in full sunlight. While some smaller shrub willows grow well in mass plantings as hedges and borders, weeping willows prefer open areas that provide an abundance of light, although they can grow in very light shade.

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