Where does the roseola rash start?

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asked Dec 27, 2020 in Kids Health by lensofcrab (730 points)
Where does the roseola rash start?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 27, 2020 by Liarcrier (1,480 points)
The roseola rash starts on the chest and then usually spreads to the back and abdomen and then sometimes spreads neck and arms.

A roseola rash does not usually cause itching or other discomfort but in rare cases roseola can cause an itchy rash.

Roseola is contagious to other babies and other babies and children around the baby with Roseola can get the Roseola themselves.

Roseola is a highly contagious virus that can be spread through droplets that children and babies breathe in.

Roseola virus is a type of herpes virus and the Roseola Virus can be spread through breathing in droplets that contain the virus after an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, or laughs.

Roseola is genetic and can be passed down from parents to child through chromosomes.

Researchers found that most babies infected with the HHV-6 virus, which causes roseola, had the virus integrated into their chromosomes.

Roseola does eventually go away on it's own and is not a very serious health condition and even without treatment the Roseola does go away on it's own.

Roseola is contagious even after the rash appears and the roseola will remain contagious for a few days after the fever goes away.

The roseola is contagious until 2 days after the fever with roseola goes away.

So the child should stay home from school or daycare until the fever with roseola goes away and the child is no longer contagious.

A child will remain contagious with the Roseola until 2 days after the fever goes away.

The incubation period for Roseola is about 14 days from the time of exposure to the virus.

Adults who get roseola remain contagious with the virus for the same amount of time.

It's rare that adults get roseola but it can happen especially if you're exposed to a child that has the roseola.

Roseola and Measles are similar but they are not the same.

Both Roseola and Measles can have similar symptoms but Roseola and Measles are different diseases that present you with a high fever and a rash.

The Measles disease can be treated and prevented with the MMR vaccine but Roseola is just a disease that you usually have to get through on your own.

Measles is also more serious than Roseola.

Measles can last for several weeks and symptoms of measles can appear 7 to 14 days after you're exposed to the measles virus.

Symptoms of measles include Cough; Rhinorrhea; Fever; Rash.

Symptoms of Roseola include irritability, skin rash, swollen lymph nodes, red spots on the soft palate, runny nose, or sore throat, Fever and loss of appetite.

The fever can last for several days with Roseola and the Roseola rash may appear as many small pink spots.

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