Can I give my baby bread?

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asked Dec 24, 2020 in Baby/Newborn by Cravenmorehead (920 points)
Can I give my baby bread?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 24, 2020 by Gracy (132,100 points)
Babies can begin eating bread by 6 months of age once they are on solid foods.

You can give the baby a whole piece of bread and then let them chew on it and eat it but just make sure you supervise them at all times when eating bread or any other food.

The baby should also always be seated when eating bread or any other food to avoid a choking hazard.

A 6 month old baby can eat fruits but the fruits you give your 6 month old baby should be pureed so they can eat it without possibly choking on them.

Some fruits and foods that you can puree and give to your 6 month old baby are pureed or strained fruits (banana, pears, applesauce, peaches, avocado) Pureed or strained vegetables (well-cooked carrots, squash, sweet potato) Pureed protein (chicken, pork, beef, tofu or fish) Small amounts of unsweetened yogurt (Keep in mind your baby should not have cow's milk until he or she is at least one year old.

Some foods that babies can choke on are hot dogs, raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, chunks of meat and cheese, whole grapes, popcorn, gooey candy or other candies, and chunks of peanut butter are all things a baby can choke on.

However when cut up properly or pureed the baby can eat anything except whole nuts, honey and raw shellfish.

Babies that are at least 6 months of age or older can have toast, butter on toast, cut up hotdogs, cut up cheese, cut up meat, etc.

As long as the baby has some teeth and is seated and in a highchair or other baby chair and they are supervised they can eat most foods that adults eat as long as they have the teeth for it and are on solid foods.

Cut up any food that may be too large for them to safely eat and always watch them while they are eating to avoid them choking.

Also you should know what to do when a baby or toddler or anyone is choking and if they are choking you should call 911.

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