Why would my kid fake being sick to prevent going to school?

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asked Dec 14, 2020 in Grade Schooler by RobertWitham (720 points)
Why would my kid fake being sick to prevent going to school?

2 Answers

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answered Dec 14, 2020 by Prizzy134 (1,080 points)
Kids fake being sick to avoid going to school for a variety of reasons.

Some kids will fake being sick to avoid going to school because they are bullied, hate school, bored of school or they are tired of doing school work.

I used to hate going to school as a kid myself and would fake being sick and it was because I was bored of school, hated school work and would also sometimes be bullied a lot.

I was selective mute as well in school and would whisper to the teacher and I would not talk to anyone else in class or school.

I had and still have selective mutism which made it hard for me to attend school and get along in school.

So ask your kid what is bothering them and why they are avoiding school.

It could be due to the new virus as well or they just hate going to school and ask them if someone is bullying them in school as well.
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answered Dec 14, 2020 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
I used to fake being sick when I was a kid too so I could stay home from school.

The reason I did skip school by faking sick is because school sucked big time and I hated it.

Some kids like school but for the majority of the kids they hate school.

Although we need school it does suck to go to school.
commented Feb 1, 2022 by paratom (9,050 points)
I have a friend that uses a adult  baby crib, he his incontinent and he travels  from his home  in Boston to our home. Anyways, I gave my neighbors the idea to diaper him and to sleep in my buddies crib. When he is sick, he bedwets, that's the only thing. When talking to him after busting him for not wetting the diaper while sleeping, he confess there was a bully picking on him. The Mom took care of his problem by talking to the principal, found out they were both guilty.

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