How do you get rid of a burn from hair removal cream?

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asked Nov 27, 2020 in Body/Skin by tristanderby (600 points)
How do you get rid of a burn from hair removal cream?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 11, 2020 by Jodie (35,100 points)
When you have a burn from hair removal cream the first thing you should do is to make sure you removed the hair removal cream from the skin by washing your skin with some soap and water.

Then apply some Aloe Vera Gel to help soothe the burn and allow the burn to breathe.

Applying a cool compress or a cool washcloth to the burn can help soothe the burn and help it heal and also apply some 1 percent hydrocortisone cream to the burn.

If the burn is stinging you could take some aspirin to help ease the pain.

Within a week or two the chemical burn should be gone.

It's normal for hair removal cream to sting some.

But if it's stinging too much then you may have an allergic reaction to the hair removal cream chemicals.

Also make sure to fully wash the hair removal cream off your skin when finished with it.

Hair removal cream is not supposed to sting and if the hair removal cream does sting your skin or burn your skin then your skin may be too sensitive to the hair removal cream.

Hair removal cream uses strong chemicals to allow the hair to be removed with the cream so it may sting some and if it does then it's likely not doing much harm.

But if you notice any burning sensation or too much stinging when using the hair removal cream then you could be having an allergic reaction to the hair removal cream.

I used Nair hair removal cream before and got a burn to my skin but eventually it healed within about 6 days.

A Nair Burn to the skin will last from 5 to 6 days before it heals.

The last time I burned my skin with Nair it took 6 days for the Nair Burn to fully heal but within a few days the Nair Burn started peeling.

The skin where the Nair Burn happened started peeling within a few days of the Nair Burn occurring and then after 6 days the skin healed up.

There may still be a scar where the Nair Burn occurred for awhile and then again the scar may be for life.

But not everyone gets a scar form the Nair Burn but it also depends on how badly the Nair Burned your skin.

When you get a Nair Burn be sure to wash the Nair off with some soap and water and it's best to leave the Nair Burn uncovered to promote healing.

You can apply some lotion to the Nair Burn to help with the skin moisturizing.

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