What happens if EPI goes untreated?

+1 vote
asked Nov 7, 2020 in Diseases Conditions by Sethbulocks (3,080 points)
What happens if EPI goes untreated?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 8, 2020 by Kingpetch (3,570 points)
When EPI goes untreated the untreated EPI can lead to more serious conditions, such as thinning bones (osteoporosis) or the blood condition anemia.

Anemia can then turn into kidney disease and cause your kidneys to shut down.

When you have EPI your body becomes malnourished even though you're eating as your body cannot absorb the nutrients it needs.

The condition of EPI is a serious health condition that needs treated or it can lead to other serious health issues.

When EPI is left untreated the person with EPI can become malnourished which means they won't be able to get enough important vitamins and nutrients from their diet.

That can lead to other even more serious health conditions and possible death.

Being malnourished and cause weight loss which can be deadly if you lose too much weight and you also need enough nourishment to survive and have energy.

EPI stands for Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency which is a condition in which the body does not have the right amount of pancreatic enzymes to properly break down food.

EPI or Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency should never be left untreated.

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