How can I stop wetting the bed as an adult?

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asked Nov 17, 2017 in Bed Wetting by bilprid (320 points)
How can I stop wetting the bed as an adult?
I used to wet the bed as a kid and the bed wetting eventually stopped when I turned 16 but now at 23 the bed wetting has started back up.

How can I stop wetting my bed now that I'm an adult?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 19, 2017 by xerock (220 points)
It's normal for kids to wet the bed but if you stopped wetting the bed when you turned 16 and then suddenly started wetting the bed once again as an adult something could be wrong with your bladder muscles and you should see a doctor about it.

A doctor can prescribe you some medication that you can take and the medicine will slow down production of your urine at night so you won't wet the bed.

Stress can also cause bed wetting in both children and adults so maybe it's because you're stressed out about something.

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