What happens if you take too much sertraline?

0 votes
asked Sep 15, 2020 in Other- Health by Reclusewander (430 points)
What happens if you take too much sertraline?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 1, 2020 by gharrison (1,530 points)
Taking too much sertraline will cause an overdose and could potentially kill you depending on how much of an overdose of sertraline you took.

You never want to take more than you should of sertraline or any othermedicine because overdoses of medicine including sertraline can be deadly.

Some things and side effects that you might experience if you do take too much sertraline are sedation, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fast heartbeat, tremor, agitation, dizziness and unconsciousness.

If you believe you overdosed on Sertraline or taken too much Sertraline you need to get to urgent care, the emergency room or if it's a real emergency you should call 911 and get medical attention.

Only take as much sertraline as needed and not any more.

Always speak with a doctor about upping your dosage of any medication they prescribe you or any other medicine that you're unsure of.

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