How do you get baby vomit out of a couch?

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asked Sep 13, 2020 in laundry/Cleaning by bernd11 (310 points)
How do you get baby vomit out of a couch?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 13, 2020 by layla (60,790 points)
If the baby vomit has not dried you can sprinkle some baking soda over the vomit and the baking soda will help soak up most of the vomit.

You can also spray the baby vomit with some vinegar and then use a wet/dry vac to suck up the vomit from the couch.

Also you can use an upholstery cleaning machine to deep clean the couch and draw the baby vomit or other vomit out of the couch.

Then I would also deep clean the entire couch to make it smell good and remove any other grime.

out of a sofa you need to use an upholstery cleaning machine to deep clean the sofa and remove the germs and grime from the sofa.

Germs and grime can get deep down into the sofa cushions and make the sofa smell bad so you need to get the germs and grime out.

Using an upholster cleaning machine helps to deep clean the sofa.

Also sprinkle the sofa with some baking soda and allow the baking soda to sit on the couch overnight and then spray the sofa with some vinegar and allow it to sit for a few hours as well.

Then use the upholstery cleaning machine to help draw the smells and dirt and grime out of the sofa which helps a lot.

If possible air the cushions out outside in the sun which also helps get rid of bad smells on sofa cushions.

To naturally freshen your sofa take some baking soda and sprinkle some baking soda over the couch and allow it to sit for a few hours or overnight.

The baking soda will help draw out odors from the couch or sofa and make it smell much better.

Then you can vacuum the baking soda off the couch.

Another thing you can do to freshen your sofa naturally is to spray the sofa with some straight vinegar and the vinegar will freshen the sofa and also disinfect the soda as well.

Then you can also use an upholstery cleaning machine to draw out any grime and dirt from the sofa cushions which also makes the sofa more clean and healthy to sit on.

If the weather is nice take the sofa cushions outside in the sun which also helps make the sofa cushions smell fresh.

Vinegar can be used on upholstery to clean and freshen the upholstery.

Vinegar is a natural cleaning solution that works to disinfect, freshen and clean upholster as well as many other fabrics and surfaces.

Vinegar can also be used as a natural window cleaner by diluting the vinegar with some water in a spray bottle and then spray the windows to clean it.

However when cleaning upholstery with the vinegar you can use undiluted full strength white vinegar to clean the upholstery.

You can spray vinegar onto your couch to clean and freshen the couch.

Take some undiluted white vinegar and spray the undiluted full strength white vinegar onto the couch using a spray bottle.

Hold the spray bottle at least 1 foot or so away from the couch so it does not get too saturated with the vinegar.

Vinegar is a great natural way to freshen your couch and other upholstery and you can also sprinkle some baking soda onto the couch to help freshen it and remove odors.

Then use an upholstery cleaning machine to clean the couch and remove the baking soda and other dirt and grime from the couch.

Although your couch may seem clean the upholstery cleaner will pull out grime from your couch that you cannot see.

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