Can foot pain be related to heart problems?

+1 vote
asked Sep 10, 2020 in Pain by Aleksoicia (350 points)
Can foot pain be related to heart problems?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 11, 2020 by Gracy (132,100 points)
Most foot pain is nothing serious or anything to worry about but yes foot pain can be caused by and related to heart problems.

It's rare that foot pain is related or caused by heart problems but sometimes it can be.

If you have persistent foot pain that comes back too often and you have not injured your feet or you have not put a lot of weight or strain on your foot then the foot pain may be a sign of heart disease or other heart issues and you should have the foot pain checked by a doctor.

In some cases the foot pain may be caused by diabetes as well so if the foot pain occurs to often or gets worse or does not go away then a doctors visit or urgent care visit would be highly recommended.

However you can try Vicks to get rid of some foot pain or soak your feet in some warm or hot water.

You can use Vicks VapoRub to help ease foot pain.

To ease and get rid of foot paint just rub some Vicks on your feet and the vicks will work to help to get rid of the pain on the feet.

I use Vicks to help ease foot pain and it does work.

Also soaking your feet in some warm water also helps sooth your feet and it's great to soak your feet in some warm water after a long hard day on your feet.

I used to work at Walmart as a Cashier and had to stand on my feet for 8 hours per day and when I got home I would have very sore feet.

So I would fill a container with some warm water and then soak my feet in the warm water and the warm water helped ease the foot pain.

The Vicks also helped as well.

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