My 22 month old son keeps taking off his pants and diaper?

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asked Sep 9, 2020 in Toddler/Preschooler by peetersinzia (310 points)
My 22 month old son keeps taking off his pants and diaper?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 10, 2020 by Llamamammas (260 points)
The reason your 22 month old son keeps taking off his diaper and pants could be that the 22 month old is uncomfortable in the diaper and want it off.

It could be a sign that your 22 month old son is ready to potty train and stop wearing diapers so maybe try putting him on the toilet and tell him that if he uses the toilet he won't need to wear the diapers anymore.

But he still may not be ready for the toilet and if he still takes the diaper off and pants you may need to put some packing tape around his diaper to help keep the diaper on him.

Packing tape around the diaper will prevent him from removing the tabs on the diaper so he'll keep it on.

I had to put packing tape on my 2 year old boys diaper because he refused to use the toilet and would pee on the floor after he removed his diaper.

He hated wearing the diaper but since he would not use the toilet he had to wear the diaper.

After putting the packing tape around his diaper he was unable to get the diaper off and so he couldn't pee on the floor anymore.

He finally went to the toilet when he was almost 4 years old and stopped wearing diapers.

Some kids take their pants and diaper off simply because they hate wearing the diaper or pants or they just like the reaction they get from you.

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