How long can you stay in a nursing home?

0 votes
asked Aug 18, 2020 in Other- Health by thestorkn88 (300 points)
How long can you stay in a nursing home?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 18, 2020 by Avarado (27,970 points)
There's no time limit to how long you can stay in a nursing home.

As long as you can pay for the nursing home care and stay then you can stay in the nursing home until you die.

Most people only live in nursing homes for 1 year to 10 years at most before they die.

A person usually goes into a nursing home when they can no longer take care of themselves and a nursing home is not a very nice place to be.

It's best to age in place at home when possible and only go into a nursing home as a last resort.

About 5 percent of seniors end up in nursing homes.

Not everyone who reaches senior age or gets old will end up in a nursing home but some do.

Some people need to go into nursing homes or assisted living facilities by age 65 or 75 years of age depending on the persons health.

Then again some people age 84 to 100 years old never go into nursing homes and have their mind and can take care of themselves until their death.

I have a 105 year neighbor which is a guy and he gets out and mows his own lawn on his riding lawn mower and he's very sharp and can even drive.

He will likely never end up in a nursing home.

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