How can I deal with living in a place I hate?

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asked Aug 16, 2020 in Polls/Surveys by NahNahNiki (980 points)
How can I deal with living in a place I hate?

I live in a town that I hate living in and there's not much to do here.

I want to move eventually but moving is probably not gonna happen for at least 4 to 5 more years.

I don't know if I can stand living here for more than a year longer.

How do you deal with living in a place that you hate?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 17, 2020 by Christeen (70,120 points)
I live in a town I also hate.

But cannot move as of now because of work and I have a great job.

My husband also has a great job that he really does not and should not leave just to up and leave to move to another place we may hate.

What we do though to deal with living in a town we hate is to try and go camping in our travel trailer over the weekend out of state or if he can get some time off from work we go longer.

It's even nice to go take a few days weekend vacation in a cabin rental somewhere.

Getting away even for a few days out of state or out of town at least makes it more bearable to live in the place we hate.

Sometimes we then figure that it's not so bad living here after all.

So try taking a vacation or even just drive into another town or city that you have never been to do your grocery shopping etc.

Even doing that helps to make the place more bearable to live in.

5 years seems like a long time but in reality those 5 years you'll be waiting to move will fly by fast.

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