Are there any car enthusiasts among you guys here?

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asked Aug 9, 2020 in Camping/RV by Geriu (120 points)
reshown Oct 29, 2020 by chad

Are there any car enthusiasts among you guys here?
I have plans to buy my first car, on which I have saved up more than 2 years).
But since I do not understand anything about them, I need your advice) I want a reliable and cool car, not very expensive to maintain) Studying the range of
 cararac company helps me. I would like a car made in Germany and Japan) Perhaps
BMW, Mercedes . According to the description of the car worthy. Which brand should I take?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 10, 2020 by Chuyenene (680 points)

My husband is a car enthusiasts and goes crazy in a good way when he sees any old antique cars or other vehicles or when he sees a nice vehicle.

My husbands dream is to own a Lamborghini one day when and if he gets rich.

I doubt that will ever happen though.

But there was a car show here where someone had brought a Lamborghini and he got to actually ride in the thing.

They actually even let him test drive it around the town with the owner who was really friendly.

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