Can words hurt more than actions?

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asked Aug 9, 2020 in Mental Health by Atomi (200 points)
Can words hurt more than actions?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 9, 2020 by Christeen (70,120 points)
Yes words can hurt you more than actions.

There's an old saying that says sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you.

However that is not true as words can hurt you inside just like physical harm can hurt you on the outside.

Having bad things being said about you can hurt you emotionally and some people have committed suicide because of what someone has said to them.

Bullying it a huge cause of suicides and bullying someone does not make the person a cool person and can lead to the person being bullied committing suicide or at least attempting suicide.

I have had bad things said about me and although I try my best to ignore those people the words still hurt me emotionally.

So yes words can indeed hurt way more on the inside than actions.

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