Are frequent heart palpitations dangerous?

0 votes
asked Aug 2, 2020 in Other- Health by day8145 (720 points)
Are frequent heart palpitations dangerous?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 2, 2020 by Minty (132,850 points)
Heart palpitations are rarely dangerous and rarely do heart palpitations lead to death or heart attacks.

However frequent heart palpitations could be dangerous if they continue for more than a few days or the frequent heart palpitations get more serious.

If you continue to have frequent heart palpitations you should see your doctor and let them know about the heart palpitations.

Some things that can cause and trigger heart palpitations are stress, exercise and some medications can lead to heart palpitations.

However some medical conditions may cause heart palpitations as well.

If someone in your house or family suffers from heart disease then you should get checked out when you do experience frequent heart palpitations.

Rarely the heart palpitations lead to heart attacks, strokes etc but it's good to get checked out to be safe.

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