How loud is a German shepherds bark?

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asked Jul 28, 2020 in Dogs by Puhippo (310 points)
How loud is a German shepherds bark?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 1, 2020 by Taylor2001 (390 points)
A German Shepherds bark is pretty darn loud especially if you're right near the German Shepherd when they are barking at you or barking near you.

A German Shepherd has a bark of around 86 decibels to as much as 106 decibels.

A moving truck is much less in decibels than a dog barking such as the German Shepherd.

I remember staying at a campground in my travel trailer and sitting at my table trying to eat dinner and then a German Shepherd dog was tied up next to another camper in a campsite next to me.

The dog then started barking at something outside which I believe was a squirrel and then my table which was just on a metal pole inside the camper trailer started shaking from the German Shepherds bark which caused vibrations.

I let it go as the dog was pretty quiet after that and they were only there for one night.

The dog was brought in when the owners left the area or when they were going to sleep.

But German Shepherds have a really loud bark that can vibrate things when next to it.

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