Have you ever watched a toddler wetting their diaper?

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asked Jul 23, 2020 in AB/DL by Hladga (490 points)
Have you ever watched a toddler wetting their diaper?

2 Answers

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answered Jul 23, 2020 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
I have watched a toddler wet his diaper before in the store.

I was behind a lady and her son who was 2 years old and the 2 year old boy was wearing just a shirt, shoes and diaper.

He was wearing a Pampers baby dry diaper and he was wetting the diaper as he was turning around looking at me.

So I could see the front of his diaper get wet from the pee and I thought that has to be so nice to be able to wear just a diaper and shirt and shoes to a store and then just wet it and not even care.

I was wearing a diaper at the time as well and I joined him in wetting my diaper and I could tell he was enjoying peeing in his diaper.

I also remember at a family gathering there was an 8 year old boy who was wearing nothing but a diaper and shirt and shoes and he was wetting his diaper while I was playing with him at the time.

I wished I could have been in diapers then.

Yes I have been forced to wear a diaper while in school.

When I was 6 years old I wet my pants in school and the nurse in school said it was school policy in those days to make me wear a diaper.

They had those Luvs plastic backed diapers in large sizes for kids who wet their pants in school.

I then had to wear the diaper while in class and until I got home.

The rule at our school was that when any student wet his pants he had to wear the diaper and then go into a special needs class.

In those classes we were wearing nothing but our diaper, shoes and T Shirt.

I had to wear diapers without any pants in the special ed class back then for a month until I was dry.

But I kept wetting the diaper because I loved wearing the diaper so I remained in diapers for the rest of the school year.

Yes I do wish my parents would've kept me in diapers longer as a toddler.

I wish I never was potty trained to begin with and would've gladly wore diapers full time all through my childhood years.

I used to wear those plastic backed pampers diapers as a toddler and I love plastic backed diapers as an adult now.

I really fought potty training but eventually my parents took the diapers away completely and never diapered me again after around age 3.

If I have kids one day I'm never potty training them and they will remain in diapers until they turn at least 18 when they can make their own decisions.

I do have a memory of my diaper being changed as a toddler.

I used to hate having my diaper changed when I was a toddler and I remember having to be ran after for a diaper change and then my mom and sometimes my dad would have to hold me down while my mom changed my diaper.

I loved wearing diapers as an actual toddler and still do love wearing diapers.

Any way when I was 2 years old I was outside playing in the yard and my mom comes to try and get me to change my diaper.

I remember my mom carrying a plastic backed pampers diaper in her hands and a towel in her other hand.

It was nice outside so when it was nice outside she would just bring a towel out and lay me down on the towel outside and change my diaper.

So she laid the towel out on the ground and then sat the new fresh pampers diaper on the towel as well as the wipes.

Then she came over to get me off the swing set where I was playing swinging.

Then she carried me over to the towel while I was crying and saying no diaper change over and over and then I would try to get up and run when she would take the tapes off the diaper.

She eventually had my dad come over and hold me down while I was screaming and then after the new diaper was on I stopped crying and went back to playing on the swing.

I was potty trained at I think around 3 and I fought toilet training as well.

I wish my mom and dad would have kept me in diapers forever.

I wear diapers all the time now and sometimes wear pampers baby diapers or any other brand of baby diaper when I just want to play.

But mostly I wear adult sized disposable diapers such as the pampers replica through Abuniverse.

I still like to go outside in my backyard that is fenced and swing on my swing set with nothing on but a diaper like I did as a toddler.

I also change my diaper on a towel outside like my parents changed me.

I wish someone would change my diaper for me though that way.
0 votes
answered Jul 23, 2020 by Minty (132,850 points)
Yes I've watched my own toddlers wet their diapers when they were little.

I remember watching my 2 year old son playing on the floor with some toy cars and when he needed to pee in his diaper he would get up and then squat a little and then pee.

I knew he was peeing just looking at his face and then he would quietly go back to playing again.

But when he needed to pee he would just freeze and get a funny look on his face.

The wet diapers never bothered him and he just went back to playing.
commented Dec 30, 2021 by Ts2021 (1,500 points)
Not recently. In the past, though, I have observed this in church, coffee shops, grocery stores, and some other miscellaneous locations.

 I only watch, though, if I believe that he or she is too young to be embarrassed by this.

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