Can you plant cantaloupe and cucumbers together?

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asked Jul 4, 2020 in Gardening by Alka9elter (1,790 points)
Can you plant cantaloupe and cucumbers together?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 7, 2020 by Shelde (49,390 points)
Yes you can plant cantaloupe and cucumbers together and they will grow just fine.

Cucumbers and cantaloupe cannot cross pollinate so they are safe to plant together.

You just don't want to plant foods together or plant plants together that will will cross pollinate but the cantaloupe and cucumbers will not cross pollinate as they are a different family of foods.

You can also plant cucumbers alongside of watermelons as well and they will grow just fine.

Just make sure that any plants that may cross pollinate are planted away from each other to avoid the potential of the cross pollination.

However the cucumbers and cantaloupe are okay to be planted together.

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