How long does it take for a general anesthetic to leave your system?

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asked Jun 30, 2020 in Other- Health by Yooper0987 (300 points)
How long does it take for a general anesthetic to leave your system?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 1, 2020 by layla (60,790 points)
When you go in for a procedure or surgery that requires a general anesthetic to be given into your body the general anesthetic will take around 24 hours to leave your system.

When the surgery or other procedure is done the doctors will give you an injection usually to reverse the effects of the anesthetic.

Then you should begin waking up within a few minutes and be fully awake once you're in the recovery room.

You still may be groggy some in the recovery room for up to 24 hours.

But after 24 hours you should be awake completely.

But for some people the general anesthetic may not totally be out of the persons system for a week.

So some people might feel a bit groggy now and then for a few days to a week afterwards.

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