How soon can you brush your teeth after a deep cleaning?

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asked Jun 29, 2020 in Dental by keterzina (200 points)
How soon can you brush your teeth after a deep cleaning?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 29, 2020 by layla (60,790 points)
After a deep cleaning of your teeth and mouth your teeth and mouth should be clean enough to go a few days before you brush your teeth.

However I brushed my teeth the second day after having my deep cleaning of my teeth and mouth.

You always want to keep your teeth and mouth and gums clean to prevent gum disease, gingivitis and tooth decay as well as tooth loss.

So you should brush your teeth a day after having the deep cleaning done.

A full mouth debridement can be the same as a deep cleaning because when you go in for a full mouth dental debridement they deep clean your mouth and teeth and gums.

So yes a full mouth debridement is the same as a deep cleaning.

Most dental debridement procedures take between 20 minutes to 30 minutes from start to finish.

However some dental debridement procedures may take a bit longer but it should not take any longer than an hour for the dental debridement procedures.

For me it took 30 minutes for the entire dental debridement procedure.

A dental debridement should not be painful.

When you have a dental debridement they should give you a numbing shot in the gums so that your mouth numbs and you do not feel anything.

That's what happened to me at the dentist when I went in for a dental debridement they gave me a shot in the gums so that my mouth would be numb.

I didn't experience any pain during my dental debridement.

Some dental insurance plans do pay for some of the cost of the dental debridement and some dental insurance plans may pay for all the dental debridement.

However you may need to pay out of pocket first for the dental debridement and then the dental health insurance will usually pay you back.

Then again some dental debridement procedures are covered fully by dental insurance.

The dental debridement procedure itself costs around $100.00 to $200.00 depending on the dentist and then you usually need X Rays of the teeth and mouth before the debridement happens.

So it's not really that expensive to pay out of pocket for the dental debridement if you can afford it.

The last time I had a dental debridement done I just paid for it out of pocket and only paid $250.00 for the whole procedure.

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