How long can crabs live?

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asked Jun 24, 2020 in Other- Pets by Senseij (470 points)
How long can crabs live?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 24, 2020 by Shelde (49,390 points)
The natural lifespan of crabs is between 4 to 8 years depending on the species of the crab.

Some species of crabs live longer lives than other species.

For example blue crabs have a lifespan of between 2 to 3 years while stone crabs can live for 7 to 8 years before they die of natural causes and old age.

So crabs don't have that long of a lifespan even if they were not fished and killed for food.

So you're not doing anything really bad by fishing for the crabs and eating them or selling them for food because even if you don't fish or kill them the crabs won't live long anyway.

Then again some crabs may be killed for food by other predators in the water as well.

Us humans are not the only ones that kill and eat fish and other animals and it's just the natural order of things in life.

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