Can apples help you lose weight?

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asked Jun 18, 2020 in Weight Loss/Dieting by 123reckine (400 points)
Can apples help you lose weight?

2 Answers

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answered Jun 18, 2020 by gixxerk8 (500 points)
Apples can help you lose weight because apples are pretty low in calories and the apples can help you feel full while keeping you from eating other high calorie foods.

Eating 2 to 3 apples per day can help you keep the hunger away while allowing you to lose weight in the process.

But even though apples can help you lose weight you should still exercise daily such as walking, jogging, hiking, kayaking etc to burn off the calories and lose the weight.

It is healthy to eat three apples a day.

You can eat as many apples a day as you want too but just avoid eating too many apples a day because you could get diarrhea or stomach upset.

if your stomach is getting upset or you're getting diarrhea or stomach cramps or bloating from eating the apples then you're eating too many.

Other than that there's no harm in eating three or more apples per day if you want too.

Apples are very healthy so the more you eat the more healthy you'll become.

Apples are good for your teeth.

You can actually clean your teeth using apples by chewing the apples.

When you chew the apples the apples clean your teeth through the chewing process of the apple because the apples stimulate the alkaline saliva flow that neutralizes the acids that are produced in the dental plaque after the bodies carbohydrate ingestion.

So yes eating apples can help keep your teeth in good health and clean.

But you should still brush your teeth often as in 2 to 3 times per day and floss your teeth as well.

Apples are very healthy and nutritious and there's no harm in eating the apples everyday if you want too.

I eat apples almost everyday myself and keep a bunch of apples around as a healthy snack although some days I switch to eating other fruits such as bananas, pears etc.

But you can eat apples everyday if you want too and you'll be benefiting your health and apples do provide you with energy as well.

Also it's OK to eat apple on empty stomachs.

You can eat an apple or apples at anytime during the day or night or whenever you're feeling hungry.

I like to have an apple in the morning when I wake up while I'm making my other breakfast.

The apple is a very healthy part of a breakfast and apples are a very healthy snack as well.

I keep apples at my desk as well and snack on them through the day while working from home.

The apple is usually better digested when you have something else in your stomach first but it's not harmful or bad to eat apples on an empty stomach.

Apples everyday is healthy as well because apples promote good digestive health, provide you with vitamins and minerals as well as nutrients.

Eating apples can help boost your immune system as well.

Just like the saying an apple a day will keep the doctor away.

Apples are a very healthy fruit.
0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2020 by Minty (132,850 points)
Apples are great for weight loss as well as improving your health as apples are packed full of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and also low in calories.

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