Do neutered cats still hump?

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asked Jun 5, 2020 in Cats by 54gyy98 (340 points)
Do neutered cats still hump?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 5, 2020 by Cathy21 (85,770 points)
Yes male neutered cats do still hump which is normal.

Most cats who have been neutered do tend to hump less than non neutered male cats.

Neutering your cat takes some of the sexual drive out of the cat and they will want to hump less and will not be able to get other cats pregnant.

So having your male cat neutered is a good thing.

Neutering your cat can also help stop them from spraying on things and marking their territory as well but some male cats still may spray things although they do it less.

Once a cat is neutered they will still have some normal hormones in their body that causes the male cat to want to hump things or hump other cats for awhile.

It takes some time for those natural hormones to leave the cats body.

So your male cat even when neutered may continue to hump things for a few weeks to a few months or so which is normal.

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