Are foxes good pets?

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asked Jun 5, 2020 in Other- Pets by Siddall (2,560 points)
Are foxes good pets?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 6, 2020 by Shelde (49,390 points)
Foxes can be good pets as long as they are properly tamed and treated right.

I have a friend that has a few foxes as pets and he lives on a farm.

The foxes took awhile to get used to being around my friend but now they are good pets for him and they love his kids as well.

I get along with his foxes too and they get along with me too.

I would not personally want a fox or foxes as a pet because they can be hard to tame since the foxes are not domesticated.

However with proper domestication and training of the fox they can become great pets.

I do have a wild fox that comes by my house at night and comes up on my porch and allows me to pet it though.

But you should still be careful around wild foxes because some might harm you while others may not and some foxes can be loving animals even if they are wild foxes.

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