Can dogs eat honey?

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asked Jun 4, 2020 in Dogs by playonwords55 (400 points)
Can dogs eat honey?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 4, 2020 by Minty (132,850 points)
Yes dogs can safely eat honey.

Honey is safe to feed to dogs in moderation and the honey will provide health benefits to your dog.

You can give your dog a spoonful of honey each day if you want too or just give the dog some honey whenever you want too.

Too much honey might cause stomach upset and possibly diarrhea in the dog and also the honey has sugar in it which can be fattening to the dog.

So the dog may experience weight gain when eating too much honey.

However it's perfectly fine to feed your dog some honey and honey is a good source of vitamins and antioxidants so when your feed your dog a spoonful of honey in moderation they will have better health.

I give my dogs a spoonful of honey every few days as a treat and they love it.

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