Why do people fart more when they're old?

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asked May 24, 2020 in Other- Health by 1522 (300 points)
Why do people fart more when they're old?

1 Answer

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answered May 24, 2020 by Minty (132,850 points)
People tend to fart more as they get older because as you age your bodies metabolism slows down.

When your bodies metabolism slows down your body produces more gas and when you produce more gas you fart more.

Not all old people fart more but some older people do fart more than other younger people.

So it's normal to fart more as you age.

Everyone farts and when you need to fart you need to fart and relieve that gas in your stomach and intestines to avoid the gas buildup in your stomach.

I fart whenever I need too and am no longer ashamed of doing so.

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