Why does plucking nose hair make you cry?

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asked May 18, 2020 in Hair by Ducaso (750 points)
Why does plucking nose hair make you cry?

1 Answer

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answered May 18, 2020 by Avarado (27,970 points)
The reason plucking your nose hair makes you cry is because it's painful to pull out the nose hairs.

You can actually cause an infection if you pluck your nose hairs out and cause damage so it's not good to ever pluck your nose hairs.

It's unlikely that you would die when plucking your nose hairs but you can get infections and it could make you sick.

Trimming your nose hairs is okay but it's best to not remove the nose hairs permanently or all the way because nose hairs protect your nose and body.

But trimming the nose hairs is okay.

Yes it is bad to pluck your nose hairs or even trim your nose hairs because the nose hairs are very important to keeping your body healthy and your nose healthy as well.

But if you're gonna get rid of nose hairs then it's better to trim the nose hairs instead of plucking the nose hairs.

Plucking the nose hairs could lead to infections and bleeding which is not good and also plucking nose hairs is painful so you will probably cry or scream.

Nose hairs although sometimes annoying to some people are very essential to your nose and health.

The purpose of nose hairs is to act as a defense system for your nose.

The nose or nasal hair keeps harmful debris out of the body system and maintains moisture in the air that you breathe to keep your nose from drying out.

Blood vessels in the nose are very dense and also very tiny and easy to crack when the air is dry which can lead to nose bleeds when it's dry out.

So if the air is dry then your blood vessels in the nose can crack and lead to nosebleeds.

So by trimming or plucking the nose hairs you get rid of that natural defense system in your nose which can be a bad thing.

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