How much money do you save with a low flow shower head?

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asked May 17, 2020 in Other-Home/Garden by Wonderhuss (1,940 points)
How much money do you save with a low flow shower head?

2 Answers

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answered May 17, 2020 by Kitty45 (3,120 points)
When it comes to saving money with a low flow shower head you really do not save all that much money with the low flow shower head.

A regular shower head uses around 2.5 gallons of water per minute while a low flow shower may use around 1.5 gallons of water per minute.

So you would only save around 1 gallon of water per minute which is not all that much water when it comes down to things.

Water is pretty cheap to pay for when you have city water and if you have well water it's free except for the electric bill which still is not that bad.

When I installed a low flow shower head I noticed my water bill drop by $1.00 per month which was not that much.

I then put my regular shower head back on and prefer it.
0 votes
answered Jun 25, 2020 by Christeen (70,120 points)
With a low flow shower head you typically save between $1.00 to $3.00 per month on your water bill.

That also depends on your water costs and how many showers you or your family take.

The more people in your home taking showers the more money you'll save with a low flow shower head.

If your the only one in the house taking showers then a low flow shower head will not save you much money at all.

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