How many outfits do babies go through a day?

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asked Apr 21, 2020 in Baby/Newborn by Giglians0001223 (410 points)
How many outfits do babies go through a day?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 21, 2020 by lians00 (540 points)
Babies under 1 year old or 1 year old and under may go through as many as 4 to 8 outfits or sets of clothing per day.

Babies may need to have their clothes changed often because of spitting up, throwing up, diaper blowouts, diaper leaks on clothes and just getting dirty.

You should have many sets of clothes for a baby because they may need their clothes changed often because of poop leaking, pee leaking on clothes, throwing up and much more.

So make sure to have clothes ready for your baby.

However if it's warm out and the baby has no other outfits and they have a diaper leak or a diaper blowout etc then it's okay to just have them wear just the diaper until you can get them some more clothes.

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