What is the difference between orgasm and cumming?

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asked Oct 2, 2017 in Other- Health by Da354 (240 points)
What is the difference between orgasm and cumming?

When girls masturbate do they cum like a guy does or is there a difference?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 4, 2017 by Traemo (720 points)
Girls do cum in their own way but the girls cum is much different then a girls cum.

When a guy cums they release sperm. The sperm is what shoots into a woman's vagina and swims with the girls eggs and then that is how the girl creates a baby if it's meant to be.

Sometimes a guys sperm count can be low and not be able to make a baby with a woman.

A girls cum is more like fluid and a guys cum is more sticky and like jello.

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