Do astronauts get paid?

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asked Apr 15, 2020 in Employment & Careers by ndrobpbery (400 points)
Do astronauts get paid?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 15, 2020 by Shelde (49,390 points)
Astronauts do get paid and get an annual salary of between $66,000.00 to $144,566.00 per year.

Yes astronauts do get paid to go up in space and do their research and work.

There's no way I would go up into space for no pay because it can be a very dangerous job although it would be fun.

Although astronauts do get paid they don't get paid enough for what they do do.

But the average annual salary for astronauts is $66,000.00 per year for less seasoned and first timer astronauts.

When the astronaut gets more experience and the astronaut becomes more seasoned then they can get a higher paid salary.

For seasoned astronauts the average annual salary is around $144,566.00 per year.

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