Can alcohol kill bacteria in your throat?

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asked Mar 25, 2020 in Other- Health by kliOhhimes (260 points)
Can alcohol kill bacteria in your throat?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 26, 2020 by MrMoonPie (10,690 points)
Yes drinking some alcohol does have the ability to kill bacteria in your throat.

When you have a sore throat or even strep throat and have bacteria in your throat causing those issues you can help get rid of the sore throat and strep throat by drinking some whiskey.

You can take a shot or two of whiskey and swallow that whiskey and it will help ease the sore throat and the sore throat usually goes away much sooner.

Even drinking a hot toddy with whiskey or even some brandy can help ease a sore throat or strep throat.

Or you can also gargle with apple cider vinegar or salt water to get rid of the sore throat.

Also for most people drinking a hot toddy does really help a cold virus and helps you recover from a cold much sooner.

There's no real cure for a cold virus though so the hot toddy or any other medicine cannot cure the cold virus.

But drinking a hot toddy can help kill bacteria and viruses which can help you feel much better.

Every time I have a cold virus and even the flu virus I love to drink a hot toddy and it helps my cold and flu virus and helps ease the symptoms.

A hot toddy is made using a mixture of whiskey, honey, fresh lemon juice and hot water.

Mix the mixture together and you have a hot toddy that helps with the cold virus.

Even just drinking a bit of whiskey can help kill bacteria and help ease a cold as well.

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