How much does a truckload of sand cost?

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asked Mar 21, 2020 in Do it yourself by Dianiajay (310 points)
How much does a truckload of sand cost?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 21, 2020 by Adf289 (58,200 points)
The average cost of a truckload of sand is between $150.00 to $600.00 depending on how much sand you want to buy.

Truckloads of sand cost anywhere between $25.00 per ton to $40.00 to as much as $60.00 per ton depending on where you're located and who you buy the sand from.

The cost of a truckload of sand can vary and depends on the size of the truck and how much sand you want to buy and have delivered.

Buying sand by the truckload is usually much cheaper than buying sand in bags or smaller quantities.

Of course then there may also be a trucking charge if you order less than a couple tons of sand.

So be prepared for that.

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