How long can an earwig live without food?

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asked Mar 21, 2020 in Polls/Surveys by Dianiajay (310 points)
How long can an earwig live without food?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 21, 2020 by Adf289 (58,200 points)
The earwig can amazingly live for quite a long time without any food or water.

Scientists have put earwigs in petri dishes and left them without any food or water and the earwigs have survived for as long as 3 months and longer.

So that means that earwigs can live without food or water for at least 3 months and sometimes longer.

The earwig is a pretty tough insect and can adapt and survive for a long time.

So out in the wild an earwig can go a long time without food or water and survive.

That is longer than any human can go without food or water before becoming dehydrated and then dying of hunger an dehydration.

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