How do you ignore toxic people?

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asked Mar 21, 2020 in Mental Health by Dianiajay (310 points)
How do you ignore toxic people?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 21, 2020 by Minty (132,850 points)
The best way to ignore toxic people is to just walk away from them and tell them that you want nothing more to do with them.

Toxic people rarely do change and those people who are toxic in your life are not worth your time being around.

Some people may act like they are your friends but then do things behind your back or talk about you badly behind your back.

A true friend would never do that.

So if a supposed friend is treating you badly or being toxic to you then cut them out of your life and go on about your life.

If the toxic person is becoming dangerous or threatens you in an way then you need to get a restraining order against that person that will legally prevent contact with you.

When dealing with adult bullies or any other bullies it's best to just ignore them when possible.

Bullies bully people because they are hoping to get a reaction out of the person they are bullying.

So when you react to that bully whether the bully is an adult or a kid, teen etc then you're just fueling the fire so to speak.

The bully will then know that they can get a reaction out of you and know they are hurting you and they get a thrill out of doing so.

So the best thing to do is just walk away from the bully and don't engage them or say anything to them.

However if it still continues then you need to speak up and tell them sternly that you do not put up with their behavior and then if they continue then report them to authorities.

Or get a restraining order against the person that is being a bully.

Or if they tease you about something then laugh about it and say why thank you for your compliment I like "Whatever it is the bully is teasing about".

Eventually the bully will move on and stop bullying you if you do keep ignoring them.

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