Does silica gel expire?

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asked Mar 6, 2020 in Other-Home/Garden by bbethspescseths (510 points)
Does silica gel expire?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 6, 2020 by Larry S (42,350 points)

Silica Gel never expires and can be dried out and reused several times.

When you use Silica Gel to absorb moisture you can then dry those Silica Gel beads out and then they will again absorb more moisture.

The beads of the Silica Gel can easily be reactivated several times and used over and over and over again so you do not need to throw them out once they absorb the moisture.

You can dry out and reactivate Silica Gel using an oven or a microwave.

To Reactivate Silica Gel In The Oven Follow the below Steps.

Step 1

Preheat your oven to 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.

Step 2

Lay the silica gel packets flat on the foil-lined baking sheet.

For loose silica gel, spread the granules in a layer no more than 2 inches thick on the foil-lined baking sheet.

Step 3

Place the baking sheet inside the preheated oven and bake for several hours.

The amount of time varies between 1 to 12 hours depending on the thickness of the silica gel. A good general rule of thumb is baking for 1 ½ hours for every 30 ounces of silica gel.

To Reactivate the Silica Gel Beads in the Microwave Follow the Below Instructions.

Step 1

Place the silica gel in a microwave safe container.

Set the container inside the microwave.

Step 2

Heat the silica gel for three to five minutes on medium to medium high.

Step 3

Examine the silica gel for color change, which will occur when it is recharged or dry.

If it is not dry, stir with a spoon and place back into the microwave for an additional three to five minutes.

Step 4

Continue checking it for color change and microwaving for three to five minutes until the gel is dry.

Let the silica gel cool to room temperature in the microwave-safe container.

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